Student Conduct

Student Conduct

A major objective of the Murray High School program is to provide students with skills for dealing with difficult situations in a manner in which is acceptable. Students are responsible members of the learning community and as such, a major aspect of responsibility is accountability and students will be held accountable for their actions. Therefore, disciplinary measures are designed to be teaching tools that help students to learn from their actions and replace inappropriate behaviors with more acceptable ways of meeting their needs.

Expectations for Student Conduct

Each teacher is expected to be thoroughly familiar with the rules and policies in the student handbook. Teachers are responsible for ensuring that each student meets community and school expectations. When a student does not choose to comply with community expectations, the teacher is expected to take appropriate action. The student who chooses Murray High School signs a contract that commits the student to the following:

1)Choose to respect themselves, each other, and their environment, allowing teachers to teach and students to learn,
2)Choose to attend regularly and be on time.
3)Choose to mediate when necessary.
4)Choose to participate actively.
5)Choose to share their personal gifts with others

These commitments form the basis for determining appropriate student conduct and behaviors. In addition students must comply with the Albemarle County Code of Student Conduct and other relevant school board policies. A copy of the Albemarle County School Board Policy Manual is available at the school. The Code of Conduct is sent to all students and their families at the beginning of the year. Parents and students are required to return to school a statement verifying that they have reviewed the Code of Conduct.

A major objective of the Murray High School program is to provide students with skills for appropriate conduct even in difficult situations. Students are responsible members of the learning community and, as such, a major aspect of responsibility is accountability.

It is expected that students will honor their commitments. The students and staff of the school have established school choices and consequences. All consequences occur as a result of a student’s choice not to accept the responsibility of his/her agreement. Please note that, according to school board policy, students are subject to disciplinary consequences for misconduct that occurs in school during school hours, on school property, in a school vehicle, while participating in or attending any school-sponsored activity or trip, on the way to and from school, and at other times permitted by law.


Each classroom teacher will establish satisfactory student behavior with positive and constructive methods. It is the Murray High School philosophy that classroom problems are best handled between the teacher and the student. Therefore we utilize a choices process designed to encourage communication between the teacher and student to create a more productive learning environment for all members of the community.

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